A New comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) discovered March 2020 is finally high enough above the horizon to see it over the trees here in the Puget Sound area.
Lake Chelan and Mallory's Peak
Located about 200 driving miles east of downtown Seattle, Lake Chelan is an incredible getaway to the third deepest body of water in the United States adjacent next to the sunny Methow and Wenatchee valleys.
Looking North towards Manson and the Northern reaches of the Lake
Surrounded by glacier scraped valleys, the Lake Chelan area seemingly has every near-flat surface coated in rich apple and stone fruit orchards making Chelan County known as the “apple capital of the world”.
Located on the Northern side of the lake, the Echo Ridge trail network combines mild-to-moderate hiking trails lined with wild Lupine and Indian Paintbrush.

Elwah River Valley
At the top of the Olympic Peninsula the 72 km long Elwah River rages into the Juan de Fuca strait as one of the latest living laboratories studying what happens when dams get removed from rivers. Seeing the turquoise waters churn in person compared to the humdrum, little, tributary that existed before is inspiring.
For more details on the ecological impacts and improvements from removing the two existing dams, Outside Magazine covers this project’s impacts in their short film below:

Hello World
Hello Everyone,
Welcome to my blog. These posts will primarily be covering smaller regional side-trips rather than large gallery projects. As always, please feel free to comment and reach out with questions anytime